can`t think of anything worse than returning home to find my furniture
or other belongings chewed up by my Beagle. It`s infuriating. What makes
it even worse is the fact that he doesn`t have a clue that he`s done
something wrong playrs. Dogs have no concept of the value of things, when they destroy something it means absolutely nothing to them.
Why do Beagles chew?
matter what Beagles are going to chew. Like all other dogs they`re born
with a natural instinct to chew and it`s only a matter of what will he
chew and when will he chew it. It’s going to happen book publishing.
They chew for a multitude of reasons. It`s even possible that you
unknowingly encouraged the behavior when your Beagle was a puppy. Many
Beagle owners will see their puppy teething and offer him an old shoe or
knotted sock to chew on and unwittingly teach the puppy to chew on
a chewing issue is manifested because your Beagle misses you when you
are gone. This is a condition called separation anxiety. It is often the
reason your Beagle howl or barks when you are gone leather handbags. He will grab the first thing he sees that reminds him of you...something that smells like you usually and chew on it mori lee julietta wedding dress.
Remember, he is a dog and is operating totally on instinct. For more
information on this condition and how to work your way through it, click
on the link to my website below.
Stop the chewing behavio
first step to stop your Beagle from chewing what he`s not supposed to
is to limit his access to the things you don`t want destroyed. If you
can`t segregate him to an area where he won`t readily have access to
chewable things then you may have to crate train him and leave him in
the crate when you`re not there.
technique is to use one of the commercially available "bitter" products
that can be sprayed on the items he likes to chew. If that doesn`t work
there are also products with cayenne pepper in them to deter his
Other methods to stop chewing
play with your Beagle`s own toys. A rawhide bone or a nylon chew toy
may be just what you need to distract him from your things by giving him
an outlet of approved chew things. If you are firm and consistent in
setting the boundaries your Beagle will learn quickly what he is and is
not allowed to chew on.
sure that your Beagle gets regular exercise. This will go a long way to
stop the boredom that may be causing his chewing behavior. A brisk walk
can work wonders!
method that won`t work is to scold your Beagle after the fact. Save the
scolding for when you catch him in the act and don`t overdo it. A
simple firm "No!" will be sufficient to get the point across. For more
information on training your Beagle click on the link below to visit my
website blogsvia.
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