Teacher, you see like this cheap nike shoes?not very good, we the headquarters of teacher door we can set up two, one constucts in local a certain city and moreover sets up in the absolute being agriculture valley in.The first headquarters that constucts in the city is the place that is our next pupil in the door to come together everyday, but the second Be provide you and teacher Zu and we the place of the core pupil secret self-discipline of saint door.Teacher do you feel so if is very some?"I considered that the empress says to the teacher all of a sudden.
"Boon, quite good, your suggestion is very good, that according to you say of come to do!"Teacher after finishing listenning to my suggestion involuntarily of to of ordered to nod to agree with of say.
"That good, that let's do so!That teacher you after returning to France prepare for a while, wait me the affair here is the domestic complete satisfactorily behind I notify you, then we headquarters in the teacher door to move and return to country inside."After getting the approval of teacher, I think that the teacher ordered to nod, immediately after again way:" however teacher, at locally a teacher headquarterses in the door in it do you prepare to set up in that city?You make sure for a while, also let the pupil prepare first!
"This you first etc., let me seek Zu for you and make a telephone call, with you teacher Zu the company measure for a while, then I give you the answer again."The teacher thought that the empress says to me all of a sudden.Immediately after he is a part to make a phone call for teacher Zu go to.
After the teacher arrived to simultaneously make a phone call, I wanted to think, again to Qin Shi Jie's way of one side:"Qin Shi Jie, since now teacher Zu and teacher F through decide and move the headquarters of saint door to return to country inside, that what plan does the your saint shadow have?Also moved back to calculate together?"
"Ha ha!Younger brother Shi, this was certainly, since headquarterses in the teacher door all moved back, our saint's copying is also moving back.However, I showed from the text last time there heard that you have already been a lot of the thing that we needed, you must give for us to provide with top by that time!"What Qin Shi Jie smiled tooks a look my text show, then to I ha ha say with smile.
"This is all right, everything handed over to me to do and then went and wanted ~only the headquarters that you made sure to constuct a saint shadow over there by that time, that everything in your headquarters was all arranged for you by me good, I promise that you will have an unexpected surprise while waiting until you to receive.Ha ha!
If I ordered to nod to Qin Shi Jie, then again way:" however Qin Shi Jie, if is foolish you also move to return to country inside, that those intelligence peoples of yours are to have some want to follow back?If be discovered that your person had a problem by the intelligence report organization of our nation by that time, that bothered.
"Ha ha!This you trust, the saint copies to win back this time of the person only have my a person but F, other persons is still an each attends to his own duties, they can't follow back, our saint hereafter copy a person in local headquarters will with we at first in the local artificial lord, the nation couldn't discover.Saided again, even if we come back, as long as we don't make a mess of in the domestic, I think that the nation can't notices ours, either."What Qin Shi Jie roared with laughter shook to shake head a way.
"Ha ha!Hope to be such."I also smiled to say with smile.
When we chat, teacher F through fired away a telephone to return to us to nearby sit down.Hence I hurriedly ask a way to the teacher:"teacher, how?Does the teacher Zu his bearer house say so?Decide have already set up headquarters in that city?"
"Just I and you teacher Zu the company measured for a while, then exchanged an opinion with ten greatest elders again, we unanimously think to set up a teacher headquarters in the door in which in Shanghai City.Is small strong, you see how?"The teacher ordered to nod to me, immediately after again way:" however is small strong, you teacher Zu also said, since now you F through is us the saint of the saint door lord, that this affair from you with full powers make decision and then go.Such as foolish you feel that being unsuited to in Shanghai is proper, that is decided a place by you good, we all have no opinion.
Set up the headquarters of teacher door in Shanghai I pour to have no opinion, I feel to set up in Shanghai to also is to be getting more quite good, do according to teacher your meaning good."I shook to shake head a way to the teacher.
"Teacher, how to do that group?Whether also want to move to return to country inside?"At this time, the text show that hasn't been talking suddenly asks a way to the teacher.
"Yes, we group in the saint door hereafter will also_boundlessly move to return to country inside, but still don't go now, because this concerned a very various problem among them, we can_boundless solution is these problems."The teacher ordered to nod a way to us.
"That good, teacher, the domestic is here you handed over to pupil to do and then go.I will quickly domestic this place of the affair do okay."I say to the teacher.